Friday, December 10, 2010

Diary of a Snow Captive

Saturday November 27th
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yay! I woke up this morning and the whole place was covered in snow. Finally something to cheer about. I mean it’s a few weeks til Christmas now and at last we begin to see some Christmassy weather. I can’t wait to go outside and walk in the fresh snow and take pictures and make a snowman. Yipee.

Sunday November 28th
Still snowing today and there is a heavy fog as well this morning, which makes me think that this lovely winter whiteness won’t be blasted away by the sun today. Going to light the fire, sit in and watch movies and look out at the beautiful snow-covered hills in the distance. Glad I don’t have to take the car out today.

Monday November 29th
Absolutely freezing still. Temperatures must have dropped to like minus a bazillion overnight. The kids in the area are going to love this cos I expect a whole clatter of school closures today. A heck a lot of people might not make it in to work. I know I won’t, car frozen in. Fun times

Tuesday November 30th
Went for a walk today in the snow. Saw lots of snowmen and kids outside playing. You have to love it. Might have to go work tomorrow though, better try get the snow off the car and then cover it up again to save me time in the morning. Hope the gritters are out. I feel sorry for those poor gritter workers having to go out in weather like this.

Wednesday December 1st
The start of Christmas month and everything is still picture-postcard white. Discovered that the piece of carpet I covered the windscreen with has frozen to the glass. Ah well, a good excuse to take another day off. Apparently the snow is much worse in Dublin than anywhere else. It is not only white, it’s cold as well and it keeps falling. Hasn’t snowed here in ages but it’s still freezing and apparently the roads are slippery enough to keep some of the schools closed. Heard on the radio they are going to start rationing the water, but I’d say that’ll not last long. It’s great to hear all the children outside playing in the snow.

Thursday December 2nd, Friday December 3rd
It looks like the thaw is starting. Some schools are opening again. Must try to start the car again today. Plenty of snow still around.

Saturday December 4th
Freezing again. Black ice this time. This is getting a bit annoying now. Heard a couple of gritters went off the road today. Now that is ironic, the stupid eejits. Glad I didn’t have to go out too early because when I did go out I slipped and fell on my mouth and nose. Thankfully I had salted my driveway so it didn’t taste too bad.

Sunday December 5th
Ah, come off it, more snow on top of the ice. Can’t get out to get my Christmas shopping done. Heard the gritters didn’t come out til after 8am. What kinda country do we live in that lets a few wee flakes of snow grind everything to a halt?

Monday December 6th
Right snow, would you ever just F*** Off. Can’t believe four more inches fell today and we’re back to square one. Those annoying wee shites out throwing snowballs and making snowmen are doing my head in at this stage. Can’t even make a cup of tea cos the council has the water turned off and where the *$@! are the gritters and the snowploughs?

Tuesday December 7th
Budget day. I hope the Minister puts a tax on all snow clouds moving into Irish airspace. Serious cabin fever setting in now. This weather is depressing me.

Wednesday December 8th
More fricking ice. When is this ever going to end? Ok so it clears a bit when the sun comes up but some roads are still lethal and the country hasn’t enough salt. What a joke, how the hell did they not learn from last year? Glad there are Coronation Street specials on all week or I’d go mad!

Thursday December 9th
Yay! At long last it looks as if there is a proper thaw setting in, I can see some grass on the lawn outside. That slush is horrible though, so dirty and mucky, hope it clears soon. The wee horrible gits are all back at school though, thank goodness.

Friday December 10th
Looks like that’s that then with the bad weather. Feeling more cheerful today, might even put up the tree and the decorations.
Time for some Christmas music I think…umm, yes, this’ll do…. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…”

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